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Player Registration

Registration – Important notice to all Players

You must register online. Registrations for the 2025 season for all players are open 6 January 2025.

Information day

Is an opportunity for you to ask questions, speak to the Committee and purchase merchandise. Merchandise payments can be made by cash, credit or debit cards.

When: Sunday 2 February 2025 –  10am – 12:30pm

Where: Narrabeen Football Club Canteen and playing fields, 2a Boondah Rd, Warriewood

Before you start read this

NFC retains the right to charge the following fees after registration:

Download SEASON 2025 Registration fact sheet

Age Group Registration Fee
PL Men & PL Women
AL2+, O35/O45 & WAL, W40,


Welcome to the 2025 football season! Please take a few moments to read the following information prior to registering.

1. ACCOUNTS: Please note a new playfootball account is not needed for each enrolment. It is only required for brand new registrations to MWFA (i.e. anyone who hasn’t registered to play football in Manly Warringah previously). Please note the system has been upgraded this year so the registration  process will be different, however please use your existing playfootball login if you have one. Creating a few one will cause issues and delay your registration

2. PHOTOS: ALL registrations, whether new or old will need to upload a new photo. The photo we require is a headshot only. No other people can be in the photo, it can only be from the shoulders up (no hat or sunglasses). An ideal photo is a school photo or a passport style photo. If an incorrect photo is uploaded, your registration will not be processed until a correct photo has been emailed to the registrar.

3. DOUBLE CHECKING YOU ARE REGISTERING IN THE CORRECT AGE GROUP: Narrabeen FC is unable to move a registration between age groups. Please double check that you are registering in the correct age group and the correct competition. “Women’s” being the Sunday competition (W U7+) and “Mixed” played on Saturday (Mixed being an all boys or a possible boys and girls combined team).
If you register in the wrong age group, you may miss out on a place in a team.

4. IF YOUR AGE GROUP IS NOT AVAILABLE: Please don’t register in a different age group, please contact our Registrar (contact details below).

5. DUAL REGISTRATIONS: Anybody wanting to play in both Women’s and Mixed must contact the Registrar (contact details below) before registering for any competition. They will advise of the easiest way to do this.

6. ANY QUESTIONS OR DIFFICULTIES: Any error in the registration process could result in players not being registered. If you are unsure at any point in the registration process please contact the appropriate Registrar who is more than happy to assist.

Please remember that all Registrars and Committee members are all volunteers. You may experience a short delay in being contacted as club volunteers are all parents/full time workers etc outside of club commitments. Registrars will be checking emails on a daily basis during registration period and will respond to all queries in a timely manner.


You can only pay online via PlayFootball website with your credit card. NB: To get the Active Kids Rebate, you must enter the voucher number you have already received from the Services NSW Government website. The early bird discount will be automatically applied up until 8 Feb 2025.

New Players 10 years of age or over

In addition to completing your online registration for the 2025 season via the FFA Play Football website, our local Association, Manly Warringah Football Association (MWFA), also requires you to complete an additional application form IF AND ONLY IF:


Please complete and sign the MWFA Application to register form, have it witnessed and then email back to our club registrar at

For all senior players (U12 and over) you will also need to email a copy of your ID (drivers licence, passport or birth certificate) for identification confirmation purposes.

Please put “NA” in any fields that don’t apply to you, do not leave any fields blank. Your registration will not be accepted by MWFA until this form is fully completed and returned to them.

Age Group by year of birth

Year of birthAge group
2019 or 2020Under 6
2018Under 7
2017Under 8
2016Under 9
2015Under 10
2014Under 11
2013Under 12
2012Under 13
2011Under 14
2010Under 15
2009Under 16
2007 or 2008Under 18
2004, 2005, 2006Under 21
No defined ageAll age or Premier League
1989 or earlierOver 35
1984 or earlierOver 40
1979 or earlierOver 45


Thanks to our gold sponsor

Rick Davis Contracting is NFC Gold Sponsor for 2024