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Players Toolbox

Tools help you manage your match day

We’ve assembled a list of handy information to help you manage playing football at Narrabeen FC.

Need to find a ground?

Full list of MWFA Sporting Fields

Need to check field closure due to wet weather?

MWFA Field closures

Need to check or lodge a match sheet?

MWFA match sheets 

Match effected by lightning?

30/30 rule applies. If there is less than 30 seconds between strikes. Play must be delayed .for 30 minutes.

Should we play is extreme heat?

Football NSW says games should be modified and cancelled when temperatures exceed safe range  

Children –  26° to 31° ambient temperature (at 32° activity should be cancelled – refer above)

Adults  – 26° to 36° ambient temperature (at 37° activity should be cancelled – refer above)

Unsure of the rules of the game?

Remember the referee word is final. In fact, discent can have you sent for 10 minutes rest. Brush up on the rules or become a referee.

Thanks to our gold sponsor

Rick Davis Contracting is NFC Gold Sponsor for 2024