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Club Awards

Club Awards

Each year we recognise members who have made significant contributions during the season and now the time has come to put forward your nominations for the 2017 season!

There are three different awards each year:

The Anthony Bales Award – Awarded in memory of Anthony Bales, a former U8 player, to a player in the U8 age group who is considerate of others, keen to participate in training and games, shows a consistent effort, is enthusiastic and has good sportsmanship.

The Samuel Marov Award – Awarded in memory of Samuel Marov.  Presented to a player within the Mixed or Women’s U18 playing group who displays a particularly strong dedication and enthusiasm towards their sport. Beyond their sporting achievements, this award recipient displays an infectious positive attitude towards their schooling, work and social life and is also highly supportive and encouraging of their peers.

The Ted Blackwood Award – Awarded to a member of NFC who has provided outstanding service to NFC. This award is in honour of Ted Blackwood who founded the Club in 1965.

The Women’s Achievement Award – Established in 2015 during our 50th anniversary, this is awarded to a women’s team in either the Junior or Senior divisions that has achieved a significant outcome in the season. This award is to encourage and recognise participation, commitment and achievement in women’s football.

Nominations for these awards must be made by a member on the Awards Nomination Form and duly seconded by another member and lodged with the Secretary prior to the August NFC Committee meeting.

Thanks to our gold sponsor

Rick Davis Contracting is NFC Gold Sponsor for 2024